Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mirena IUD is Poisonous / Hashimoto / Silicone Toxicity

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, but I've been busy trying to heal and get my health back on track.  

Today, I sit in a hotel room at the Courtyard Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona.  I made an appointment with the Rheumatology Dept last November and had my visit this week.

In a nutshell, the Rheumatologist does not think I have an auto-immune disease, nor do I present with any signs of RA (Sero Negative and my tests are still negative for any indication that I have an auto immune disease or RA).  She said I do not present with any signs of RA on examination. 

She did, however, do a LOAD of tests.  The main test that came back positive (through the roof) wasa the TPO --- which tests for Hashimoto Disease.  My TPO result was 160.8, normal is a number less than 9.0.  TPO = Thyroperoxidose (TPO) Anti-Bodies Serum test.  It differentiates thyroid auto immune disorders from non-auto immune disorders such as goiter or hypothyroidism.  Hashimoto Thyroiditis is when the immune system attacks the thyroid.  I had a severe attack.  My TSH (thyroid function) is normal and "survived the attack."

Bottom line, she thinks I should wean off the methotrexate over time.  If the methotrexate is responsible for "putting this sero negative RA into remission" then weaning off it would trigger a flare up.  She does not think that's the case, but the only thing I can do is prove it by weaning off of it. 

She said it doesn't mean I won't present with auto immune disease in the future, as no one can predict the future, and it doesn't mean that i won't present with RA symptoms after I wean off, but it seems likely that I won't, my interpretation.

Furthermore,  I retook the Silicone Serum test and it received a call from my doctor on Tuesday. The silicone test came back 0.00.  Yes. ZERO.  The day i took my blood for the first test, it was .19, now it is zero.  If you remember, i removed the IUD the same day i had my blood drawn.

The Mayo Clinic doctor said, when you got the IUD, you got sick.  When you removed it, you felt better and continue to get better.  She said, so, continue doing what you are doing with your diet, etc.  She said the only toxic thing going into my body right now is the methotrexate.  I also shared with her my doctor in NY wanted me to start taking a biologic, enbrel or humira, she said DO NOT TAKE IT, you don't need it.

She said  I should follow up with my OB/GYN re my period not showing up since I had the IUD inserted.  I think i'll be on a diligent search for new doctors who think and treat patients with an open mind, consider holistic medicine, and alternative medicine, along with science.

This is what I think happened.

I had already been feeling tired, my diet had been poor, i stopped exercising.  I stopped YAZ and had the IUD inserted.  My body did start attacking itself, just as I felt it was, and I believe it started attacking my thyroid - now that I have the Hashimoto Diagnosis.  At the same time, the MIRENA IUD, which is made from silicone started leaking silicone in my body.  So, at the same time, i started to present with silicon toxicity symptoms.  I copy & paste below the symptoms for Hashimoto and Silicone Toxicity. 

I did ask the Dr., why do i still have joint pain.  She thinks it's residual from whatever happened... Time will tell, it always does.

I am currently waiting for the formal report, which will be posted on my Mayo Clinic web page.  How great to see a doctor who is open minded, intelligent, and thorough.  The tests she took were NOT TAKEN by my doctors. Also, how great that MAYO posts everything onto your account in real time!  They hide nothing, including their clinical notes and reports!   In fact, my NY doctors wouldn't even entertain the IUD was a factor.  I believe it is, but, again, time will tell as I wean off methotrexate.  You can't just stop it, so I'll do wha tthe doctor recommends.

Next steps, get my final report from Mayo, including test resuts, and meet with my doctors face to face in NYC to discuss these results and fnidings, and recommendations.  Mayo doc said if i can't get in synch with our mind sets -- FIND A NEW DOCTOR! :) 

Thank you, Mayo clinic and Rheumatology.  I can't wait to see how I progress.  In the meantime, I have also started reading Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman and am going to make an appointment with his office. 

I will write more as I get more information.  WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT GET THE MIRENA IUD. 

  • Fatigue and sluggishness
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Pale, dry skin
  • A puffy face
  • Hoarse voice
  • An elevated blood cholesterol level
  • Unexplained weight gain — occurring infrequently and rarely exceeding 10 to 20 pounds, most of which is fluid
  • Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, especially in your shoulders and hips
  • Pain and stiffness in your joints and swelling in your knees or the small joints in your hands and feet
  • Muscle weakness, especially in your lower extremities
  • Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) - no sign of this, i have no period
  • Depression
  • Without treatment, signs and symptoms gradually become more severe and your thyroid gland may become enlarged (goiter). In addition, you may become more forgetful, your thought processes may slow or you may feel depressed.
    When to see a doctor
    See your doctor if you develop these signs and symptoms:
    • Tiredness for no apparent reason
    • Dry skin
    • Pale, puffy face
    • Constipation
    • Hoarse voice
     The Signs and Symptoms of Silicone Immune Toxicity Syndrome are as follows:
    • Multipe chemical sensitivities and sensitivities to perfume, smoke and other inhalants
    • Muscle inflammation
    • Joint pain
    • Fatigue
    • Weakness
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Hair loss
    • Memory loss
    • Foggy thinking
    • Night sweats
    • Tingling in the hands and feet
    • Heacaches
    • Abdominal pain
    • Chest pain
    • Other autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s syndrome, scleroderma, fibromayalgia, and multiple sclerosis
    In silicone immune toxicity syndrome, the body produces antibodies against the complex that forms when silicon attaches to protein molecules in various organs, resulting in an autoimmune response.